I hope your New Year's eve and New Year are happy and merry. I had a nice, fancy dinner with the yummiest food I had tasted in a some time, and then I welcomed the new year with streamers, paper horns and lots and lots of laughs.
The new year is always a great time for to be thankful for you never ending support, without it I would never be able to live the dream of creating to make our world a little more beautiful, to expand my creativity and to try out new and different art materials and techniques and explore and experience first hand what they can do.
New year is also a time for reflection. Some of my friends jump into action and on the first day of the year are ready to start full on, with things to show and projects to share. But not me. For me it is time for reflection and thought.
Specially this year. In 2022 I felt lost and drifting on a sea of uncertainty, I felt like I had lost myself and my vision and I spent a good deal of the year trying to find myself again, starting to explore my style, my artistic motivation and who I was.
And I still do, I still feel a little lost and uncertain, because I feel that I was trying to be someone I was not in order to please the ones around me and to keep on producing and creating for the sake of creating and surviving without being lost in a universe of artists trying to share our vision to the world.
You will see me retreat on my little den for a bit. I will not be as active as before for a time while I gather my strength and my thoughts to decide where will my new artistic adventure will take me. I will first clear out the old ideas and thoughts, my shop shelves of old art, my drawers of old paint and my ceramic wheel of old clay, before I head out again into the world with a renewed purpose.
I have so many ideas that started forming in my head and that will slowly start to take solid shapes in my studio, new projects and new ways to communicate what I feel and see that will help me to build a deeper connection with you.
So, I have a few favors to ask from you.
Help me clear out my shelves with a HUGE, NEVER SEEN BEFORE SALE where EVERYTHING is 50% OFF for a limited time. I want to start the new year with a clean slate.
Second thing I wish to ask is that you be patient with me, this process will take some time, trials, errors, and in the end something beautiful will emerge from it.
The last thing I dare to ask from you is to be kind. This change and transformation will take a huge amount of bravery and courage, but I am ready to welcome the new year and the possibilities it offers knowing that I have my friend's support by my side.
Here's to a New Year. Let's make the best of it.
I’m certain whatever direction you choose with be full of wonder and whimsy. Enjoy the process. Art is a journey.♥️🐇♥️
You are beautifully talented. Whatever way you wish to use those God given talents will be a blessing to those receiving. I saw your article in where women create, then I took your A doll Story class… you changed my life and the way I see ART. You take your time. Ask God to help you as you fine tune your plans and ideas. He will never let you down. God bless you amiga, te queremos mucho! Looking forward to what you having coming ❤️
You are beautifully talented. Whatever way you wish to use those God given talents will be a blessing to those receiving. I saw your article in where women create, then I took your A doll Story class… you changed my life and the way I see ART. You take your time. Ask God to help you as you fine tune your plans and ideas. He will never let you down. God bless you amiga, te queremos mucho! Looking forward to what you having coming ❤️