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Original beeswax art journal, an upcycled antique book

Original beeswax art journal, an upcycled antique book

Regular price $65.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $65.00 USD
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Working with beeswax is always magical. It transforms your piece into something deeper than it was and gives it an ethereal look nothing else can replicate. Adding beeswax to the original illustrations I make on the cover of vintage books I buy on thrifty shops in order to turn them into art  journals gives new life to the books nobody wants any more and upcycles them from something beautiful into something out of this world.

Once you have your original art journal in your hands you'll know what I mean. Beeswax is not just a feast for the eyes but also an alchemy of textures and scents to please all your senses. The smooth feel of the beeswax on your fingers, the beautiful imagery full of mixed media details, the sweet scent of honey when you open the covers to work with them. When you hold this magic infused journal, you'll feel like you have been giving a precious secret to keep forever.

This journal measures approximately 7 1/2 x 5 inches (19 x 12 cm), and comes with a set of hand cut mixed media paper sheets to unleash you creativity right away. Once you use the supplied paper, you can always add more to keep your creative juice flowing.

Arrives beautifully wrapped, like it came from a vintage shop and ready to give or enjoy as soon as you take it out of the package it arrives in.

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