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Alice in pink

Alice in pink

Regular price $300.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $300.00 USD
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This one of a kind Alice in Wonderland art doll is a commissioned piece I made for a friend. A gift for her best friend, I created her so she resembles her owner, yay!

Created with a bright pink dress and fabric applications with the white rabbit on her skirt and lacy cuffs and neck, this amazing art doll has a beautiful face and sparkling eyes with a deep, meaning look.

Her hands are feet are hand painted porcelain, poured by Danita Art on her studio using vintage doll molds.

She is carrying in her hands a white rabbit, also handmade and inspired by the 19th century toys kids use to have. 

I am sure that she will be an amazing gift, and that the recipient will be very, very happy to adopt her :) If you are interested in ordering one for you, contact me!

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